Half Way to Our Goal!

In July, we announced the Summer 2024 KJS Legacy Project Outreach. We set a goal of raising $5,000 by the end of September. This fundraising drive is aimed at expanding the impact that our foundation can make on the students who will lead our nation into the future!

Every dollar raised will be used to expand our scholarships and internships and to launch our summer student/faculty public policy research project.

Click here to help us reach our goal!

Thank you!

In July, we announced our Summer 2024 KJS Legacy Project Outreach with a goal to raise $5,000 by the end of the summer. Our mission is to provide opportunities for students seeking careers in public service - especially for those with limited financial means. With your help, we hope to expand our support for academic and work opportunities by increasing the KJS Scholarship and Internship endowments at American University so that more students can receive greater funding. We also hope to establish an endowment for the annual KJS Scholarship at Trumbull High School - making it a perpetual scholarship for students pursuing a college degree leading to a career in public service. And next year, we plan to establish support for a summer student/faculty research program through the Public Affairs and Policy Lab at AU.

Year by year, we are building a group of young, dedicated students who seek to follow in Kevin’s footsteps. Every time I speak to one of our awardees, I hear them talk about carrying Kevin’s torch forward and making him proud. They are inspired by his example of being in politics for the right reasons - not for personal ambition, but to make a meaningful and lasting difference in our world. If you knew Kevin when he was growing up in Trumbull Connecticut or you were a fellow student at AU or worked in the AU student Government with him or worked along side him after he graduated or even if you never met him, but are inspired by his story, we hope you will join with us to help those who are carrying on his work.

Please visit our Legacy page to meet our recipients and to see the impact of the work your donations have made possible. I think Kevin would be proud of what we are doing!!

We are half way to our goal this summer, click here to help us reach the Finish Line. Thank you!


Thanks to You, We Did It!


Remembering an Amazing Tribute From the DC Metro